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Term One - 1st February to 12th April
Term Two - 29th April to 5th July
Term Three - 22nd July to 27th September
Term Four - 14th October to 13th December (Finish at 12:30pm)
Teacher Only Days (TOD) - 31st May & 25th October
Term One - 30th January to 11th April
Term Two - 28th April to 27th June
Term Three - 14th July to 19th September
Term Four - 6th October to 12th December
Teacher Only Days (TOD) - 28 March, 27th June, 29 August & 24th October
Welcome to our learning community here at Riverina School. We are a Primary School located in the heart of Pakuranga. As one of the oldest Primary Schools in the area, we have a rich history of success in the areas of sporting, academic, cultural and the arts. We are so proud of the young people that leave our school as they go on to do great things!
As the Principal, I am privileged to lead a dedicated staff and community who put learners at the heart of all we do. The children here at Riverina School are our greatest asset, and our vision, "Every Child, Every Opportunity" speaks to the potential for greatness we see in every young person that walks through our doors.
We are committed to working in partnership with parents and caregivers to continue to strive for the highest standards and offer rich, diverse learning opportunities that engage and inspire every child to realise their potential.
Ka kite anō au i a koutou
Bryce Mills
13 Feb 2025
13 Feb 2025
17 Feb 2025 - 19 Feb 2025
Dear Riverina Families,
A reminder that school is open as usual on Friday 7th February.
Our Dollar for Schools sushi orders are available from this Friday. Head to www.dollarforschools.co.nz if you would like to place an order. Please remember to update your child’s class to their 2025 class.
Orders need to be placed by 9am Friday. Online orders only, orders cannot be placed at the school office.
Riverina School
Dear Riverina Families,
We would like to inform you about some important changes to our school schedule for 2025. In response to the new government requirements for numeracy and literacy, as well as feedback from our class teachers on student engagement, we have made the decision to adjust our break times.
These changes are also informed by research from countries with a track record of high academic success in primary schools.
Starting Term 1, 2025, the school day will follow this schedule:
8:45 am – School Begins
8:50 am – Block 1: Numeracy
9:50 am – 10-minute Brain Break
10:00 am – Block 2: Reading
11:00 am – Morning Tea Break
11:30 am – Block 3: Writing
12:20 pm – Lunch Break
1:00 pm – Block 4: Teacher’s Choice
2:00 pm – 10-minute Brain Break
2:10 pm – Block 5: Teacher’s Choice
3:00 pm – School Ends
Key Changes to Break Times:
During Morning Tea, students will play first, followed by eating in the final 10 minutes before returning to class.
During Lunch, students will play first and then eat for the last 15 minutes before heading back to class.
We greatly appreciate your support in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time and ready to learn each day. Consistency and family support play a vital role in helping our students reach their academic potential and helps in minimising disruptions to the class once learning blocks have begun.
As always, we welcome your feedback on these changes. If you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact the school office.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Bryce Mills
We warmly invite all our Riverina families to join us in the hall on Friday 22nd March for our annual Race Relations Day celebration.
Students may come to school in outfits that represent their culture and we will hold a parade at 2.15pm to celebrate all the amazing cultures that make up the Riverina School community. This will be followed by the weekly assembly.
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